Post by: philandjudi
State officials shut down a kerosene pump at an Eatonton store on Tuesday, because it could be dangerous.
A release from the state Department of Agriculture says the pump at the Long Shoals Country Store on Sparta Highway could be contaminated with gasoline. That could cause an explosion.
The release says the inspectors noticed the problem during a routine checkup. The kerosene was sold during November, the state says.
If you think you bought some of it, you should immediately return it to the store to get your money back.
The release says officials closed the pump until they fix it.
Department of Agriculture inspectors are working with the distributor to find out how many gallons were sold, and are testing other stations that bought kerosene from the same distributor, the release says.
Test small quantity in a spoon and hold match against it, kerosene will not catch fire unless gas is in it.
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Thursday, December 30, 2010
Food Storage Weekly Suggestions
Many years ago I received a weekly suggestion list of items to buy to help me with my Food Storage program.
It is still a useful reminder and I would like to offer it to Members here to keep us always mindful of adding to, using in a timely manner and replacing items we need and use on a regular basis.
Each week add one item to your regular shopping list. Get a marker for adding the date purchased on items to aid you in rotation. Buy the largest amount you can sensibly afford; but remember that it is better to buy a little and get started with your food storage program than to go into debt or put off any progress until you can afford to buy the whole year’s supply at one time. Very few of us will ever be able to do this. Like the hare and the tortoise…slow and steady wins the race.
Replace items as you use them! Remember these items are IN ADDITION to your regular grocery buys.
If you miss a week, skip to the next week, forget it and don’t get behind; any progress you make will help you be better prepared. Share any “hot buys” and bargains with other members here.
Week One
Get nuts! Drug stores have after Christmas sales on most canned nuts. Dry roasted nuts keep best.
I like to combine week one and two as spices are usually on sale this time of year.
Week Two
Spices, herbs you use most often: Pepper, bay leaves, cinnamon, oregano, chili powder, cloves, ginger, ect.
I have seen many coupons in newspapers for money off on spices and flavorings..clip them and use them to save even more.
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It is still a useful reminder and I would like to offer it to Members here to keep us always mindful of adding to, using in a timely manner and replacing items we need and use on a regular basis.
Each week add one item to your regular shopping list. Get a marker for adding the date purchased on items to aid you in rotation. Buy the largest amount you can sensibly afford; but remember that it is better to buy a little and get started with your food storage program than to go into debt or put off any progress until you can afford to buy the whole year’s supply at one time. Very few of us will ever be able to do this. Like the hare and the tortoise…slow and steady wins the race.
Replace items as you use them! Remember these items are IN ADDITION to your regular grocery buys.
If you miss a week, skip to the next week, forget it and don’t get behind; any progress you make will help you be better prepared. Share any “hot buys” and bargains with other members here.
Week One
Get nuts! Drug stores have after Christmas sales on most canned nuts. Dry roasted nuts keep best.
I like to combine week one and two as spices are usually on sale this time of year.
Week Two
Spices, herbs you use most often: Pepper, bay leaves, cinnamon, oregano, chili powder, cloves, ginger, ect.
I have seen many coupons in newspapers for money off on spices and flavorings..clip them and use them to save even more.
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Monday, December 27, 2010
Feds target airline pilot for exposing TSA security sham on YouTube
"As you can see, airport security is kind of a farce," the pilot explains in his video, as he shows an entrance to a secure area. "It's only smoke and mirrors so you people believe there is actually something going on here."
The pilot has worked for his airline for more than ten years and had been issued a federal handgun to carry with him in the cockpit. But after blowing the whistle on the serious security breaches taking place at the airport, four federal air marshals and two sheriff's deputies shows up at his house to confiscate the weapon, and they also asked him to give up his state-issued concealed weapon carry permit.
On December 6, the pilot also received a letter from the TSA explaining that "an administrative review into your deputation status as a Federal Flight Deck Officer has been initiated," a move that he believes is a warning from the Feds saying not to mess with the system, unless you want to face the consequences.
According to the same ABC News10 report, the pilot's airline asked him to remove the videos from YouTube shortly after he posted them, but portions of the videos captured as part of the ABC News10 report can be viewed at the following link:
Monday, December 27, 2010 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer
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Swine flu pandemic outbreak sweeping through Britain even though 70 percent were vaccinated last year
(NaturalNews) A swine flu pandemic is sweeping through Britain despite the fact that 70 percent of Britain's over-65 population was vaccinated against swine flu last year. This year, that number is nearly the same -- 68.5% -- but flu vaccine proponents insist that until everyone is vaccinated, the flu will continue to infect people.
What these vaccine advocates absolutely will not admit, however, is how many of those who are sick with the flu this year also got vaccinated last year. This little detail is left out of every mainstream media report on vaccines and the flu. They simply refuse to mention this all-important number, leaving readers to leap to the incorrect conclusion that only those who were not vaccinated get sick with the flu.
Such statistics are never made available to the public or the press, of course. To release such statistics would expose the Great Lie of the vaccine industry: That flu vaccines simply don't work on 99 percent of people!
In fact, the people who are most susceptible to catching the flu are precisely the very same people who get vaccinated. Why is that? Because vaccines weaken the immune system in the long run, leaving you more vulnerable to future infections. They deny your immune system the opportunity to practice its own adaptive response to invading microorganisms or viruses, thereby causing your immune system to atrophy in the same way that a wheelchair-bound person will experience leg muscle atrophy.
The immune system is a lot like a muscle: Use it or lose it!
But flu vaccines provide weakened viruses to the immune system (along with other preservative chemicals that can be extremely dangerous to neurological health). It's sort of like working out your muscles at the gym but having your trainer do all the heavy lifting for you. Obviously you're not going to have very strong muscles in the end because your body won't need to invoke a very strong adaptive response.
The same is true with vaccines and the flu: If your body is exposed to weakened flu viruses year after year, it gets lazy and weak, and when it one day comes into contact with a full-strength virus circulating in the wild, it's not in good enough shape to handle the challenge.
That's idiotic, of course. And the other idiotic thing about all this is that if people had sufficient levels of vitamin D circulating in their blood, they wouldn't need seasonal flu vaccines in the first place! That's because a strong, healthy immune system with lots of circulating vitamin D is universally effective at halting ALL seasonal flu strains, with near 100% success in those with vitamin D levels between 50 - 70 (ng/dL).
#1) It's winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and Britain is so far north (of the equator) that the people living there aren't currently generating any vitamin D whatsoever. This makes virtually the entire British population ridiculously vitamin D deficient throughout the winter.
#2) The majority of the British population has been subjected to flu vaccines in previous years, weakening their immune systems and making them more vulnerable to this year's flu strains.
#3) The flu strain itself is so successful in the wild precisely because so many Britons walk around in chronic states of immune suppression (from vitamin D deficiency, chronic stress, poor dietary habits and so on). This creates a "viral breeding ground" which encourages more rapid virus mutations that make vaccines obsolete anyway.
And yet even they won't dare ask this simple question: Of all the people sick from the flu who are right now lying in Britain's hospital beds, what percentage were vaccinated against the flu last year or this year?
The answer to that question will expose the outright fraud of the vaccine industry because the answer is a very large number. No one in the medical industry dares ask that question, of course, because they realize that delving into the actual re-infection rate of flu vaccine recipients would expose their quackery and fraud, causing yet more people to lose faith in vaccines which are, after all, sold based entirely on misplaced faith and clever propaganda.
The flu vaccine propaganda, of course, demands that people never be allowed to collide with the scientific facts about how many people who are vaccinated against the flu still catch the flu anyway. (The flu re-infection rate.) That's why you will NEVER see an honest answer to this question released by hospitals, vaccine companies or vaccine-pushing doctors.
Keep taking your flu jabs, everybody. But don't ask whether they actually work, because that question isn't allowed to be asked in the cult of medicine that dominates the sick-care landscape around the world today.
We wouldn't want actual science to interfere with a really profitable con job now, would we?
What these vaccine advocates absolutely will not admit, however, is how many of those who are sick with the flu this year also got vaccinated last year. This little detail is left out of every mainstream media report on vaccines and the flu. They simply refuse to mention this all-important number, leaving readers to leap to the incorrect conclusion that only those who were not vaccinated get sick with the flu.
Most infected patients were previously vaccinated
That assumption is false. In fact, of the 450 critical care beds in England that are now occupied by flu patients, I have no doubt that most of those infected patients are people who received flu vaccines in the past.Such statistics are never made available to the public or the press, of course. To release such statistics would expose the Great Lie of the vaccine industry: That flu vaccines simply don't work on 99 percent of people!
In fact, the people who are most susceptible to catching the flu are precisely the very same people who get vaccinated. Why is that? Because vaccines weaken the immune system in the long run, leaving you more vulnerable to future infections. They deny your immune system the opportunity to practice its own adaptive response to invading microorganisms or viruses, thereby causing your immune system to atrophy in the same way that a wheelchair-bound person will experience leg muscle atrophy.
The immune system is a lot like a muscle: Use it or lose it!
But flu vaccines provide weakened viruses to the immune system (along with other preservative chemicals that can be extremely dangerous to neurological health). It's sort of like working out your muscles at the gym but having your trainer do all the heavy lifting for you. Obviously you're not going to have very strong muscles in the end because your body won't need to invoke a very strong adaptive response.
The same is true with vaccines and the flu: If your body is exposed to weakened flu viruses year after year, it gets lazy and weak, and when it one day comes into contact with a full-strength virus circulating in the wild, it's not in good enough shape to handle the challenge.
Vitamin D deficiency is widespread in Britain
At the same time this is going on, a person who is vitamin D deficient will also have an alarmingly weak immune system response because vitamin D activates the immune system to do its job. In people with extremely low vitamin D levels, even vaccines containing weakened viruses won't solicit an antibody response. But instead of testing patients for vitamin D deficiency and prescribing that with the vaccine, conventional medical doctors and contagious disease authorities robotically urge everyone to just "get multiple vaccine shots" as if following one failed vaccine with yet another failed vaccine will somehow make them both work.That's idiotic, of course. And the other idiotic thing about all this is that if people had sufficient levels of vitamin D circulating in their blood, they wouldn't need seasonal flu vaccines in the first place! That's because a strong, healthy immune system with lots of circulating vitamin D is universally effective at halting ALL seasonal flu strains, with near 100% success in those with vitamin D levels between 50 - 70 (ng/dL).
The three main reasons behind Britain's flu pandemic
So the real reason Britain is suffering a swine flu pandemic right now is actually three-fold:#1) It's winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and Britain is so far north (of the equator) that the people living there aren't currently generating any vitamin D whatsoever. This makes virtually the entire British population ridiculously vitamin D deficient throughout the winter.
#2) The majority of the British population has been subjected to flu vaccines in previous years, weakening their immune systems and making them more vulnerable to this year's flu strains.
#3) The flu strain itself is so successful in the wild precisely because so many Britons walk around in chronic states of immune suppression (from vitamin D deficiency, chronic stress, poor dietary habits and so on). This creates a "viral breeding ground" which encourages more rapid virus mutations that make vaccines obsolete anyway.
The question you are not allowed to ask vaccine quacks
The vaccine-pushing quack medical community believes that if they could magically convince 100 percent of the people to get vaccinated, they would have this problem licked. In their own minds, they have unscientifically convinced themselves that a vaccine equals automatic and full protection against a flu virus.And yet even they won't dare ask this simple question: Of all the people sick from the flu who are right now lying in Britain's hospital beds, what percentage were vaccinated against the flu last year or this year?
The answer to that question will expose the outright fraud of the vaccine industry because the answer is a very large number. No one in the medical industry dares ask that question, of course, because they realize that delving into the actual re-infection rate of flu vaccine recipients would expose their quackery and fraud, causing yet more people to lose faith in vaccines which are, after all, sold based entirely on misplaced faith and clever propaganda.
The flu vaccine propaganda, of course, demands that people never be allowed to collide with the scientific facts about how many people who are vaccinated against the flu still catch the flu anyway. (The flu re-infection rate.) That's why you will NEVER see an honest answer to this question released by hospitals, vaccine companies or vaccine-pushing doctors.
Keep taking your flu jabs, everybody. But don't ask whether they actually work, because that question isn't allowed to be asked in the cult of medicine that dominates the sick-care landscape around the world today.
We wouldn't want actual science to interfere with a really profitable con job now, would we?
Monday, December 27, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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