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Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Being self sufficent

Hello Preppers. I'm back on my stump again. The more news I listen to or articles I read concerning our economy, just makes me think that the SHTF is gonna happen soon. As if we don't have enough to worry about in our own Country, just look South! Mexico is on the verge of collapse. Now is the time to start looking out for your own. I want to touch on a few things you can do at home, I'll start first with planting a garden. This is something even those living in the City can do. If you have a backyard, or just a patio, this can be done small scale. It doesn't take much and it can help out on the grocery bill, leaving you some loose change to buy extra ammo maybe.

For those new at gardening: http://www.vegetablegardeningguru.com/getting-started.html, this is a pretty good place to start. For those in rural areas, such as myself, I would suggest growing a little extra. You can always use food to barter for what you need or sell the extra for cash to buy extra ammo. I love to say that. Seriously though, If you grow extra you can swing by and drop off some beans or corn to a neighbor that could use it. This will buy you goodwill and give you a chance to recruit into your network.

For those asking themselves: what more can I do be prepared, check this out.
I can't stress this enough, it's coming. Most stores purchase on credit. The "good" credit score is now 740. What happens when stores can't get credit? They can't buy food is what happens. What happens when you can't buy food? You go hungry. What happens when "other people" can't buy food? They take from those that have food - If they can.

Did I mention, buy extra ammo? Just kidding-sort of. Anyhow, for those that have a little room to spare, think about getting a few chickens and a rooster. This will give you extra eggs and meat. It's not hard to build a chicken coop and the excerise will be good for you. Do you have room for some rabbits? another good cheap source for food. The ideal situation would be to have a couple of hogs. These can be bred, giving you an excellent source of meat and another barter tool. I'll touch on both sugar curing and salt curing later. Smoking meat isn't all that hard and taste great. I'm 55 years old, I have lived like this in the past and still kicking. Cut the T.V. off for a couple of hours and git-er-done. Spring is coming so get those garden beds ready.


fed up said...

hey ridge, what a great post man, posts like this is just what i needed.. by the I'm thinking about comiming back to the south very soon.... sooo soon.. will get started soon. later

Mamma Bear said...

I like the way you think! I am looking forward to hearing about smoking and curing meat. I have bought countless books on the subject but everything I have deals with deep freezing weather which we don't have. I remember as a child, my granddaddy cured meat and to the best of my knowledge it was never refrigerated. They lived in Georgia with weather much like I have here in NW Florida.

So far we have goats and chickens. I want to make sure I can grow enough corn this year for some of their food. In the past we have raised a few hogs. I sure wouldn't mind having a few now.

APN said...

ridge, good info. did you notice foodshortagesusa.com has an affiliate program? Might as well get paid for it too.

APN said...

Hello, I'm just running through all these states real quick to double check with everyone. Are you signed up at our Forum at Ning.com? Which E-mail address would you like me to provide to the other preppers? Have you gotten already or would you like an e-mail address specific to your state preppers Network?
Let me know by e-mailing me at AmericanPrepper@yahoo.com
If you are already set up or have already replied, please disregard this message.

rridgeoutlaw said...

Cliff, I was told that Mountain Home Food can be found in Wal-Marts camping section in the Atlanta area. Try Alpharetta, also rei stores carry it.

REI Stores

1800 Northeast Expy NE
Atlanta, GA 30329
(404) 633-6508

1165 Perimeter Ctr W Ste 200
Atlanta, GA 30338
(770) 901-9200

740 Barrett Parkway Suite 450
Kennesaw, GA 30144
(770) 425-4480

1600 Mall of Georgia Blvd
Buford, GA 30519
(770) 831-0676

I hope this helps.

Rourke said...

Food cannot be overemphasized. When the SHTF food and water will be the first to disappear - remember Katrina. No clean water to drink anywhere.

Once their food and water is gone - they will resort to taking it. Be ready!!


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