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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Coming Soon....

RidgeOutlaw will be operating Georgia Preppers Network. Welcome Ridge! If you'd like to be a Team member and contribute, please leave him a comment. Thanks,



Cliff said...

Awfully glad to see this up. I can't run it but I can follow it. I was beginning to believe that I was the only one in Georgia prepping but this blog should tell me if I'm right or wrong.
Thanks for grabbing the title and giving us Georgians a chance.

APN said...

Keep Watchin' Cliff, people are hungry for info. States are goin fast, so I'm sure someone will be running georgia soon, but for now, keep up with the other state prepper networks and support them. Thanks.


Cliff said...

I'm still checking in every day hoping to find someone else has been by here. Maybe Georgia is as bad of shape as I think it is.
We have a senate bill before the Georgia General Assembly this session (will probably never make it out of committee) but it requires all pistol ammo to be micro engraved with a unique serial number (including pistol caliber that is also usable in rifles). It calls for this to be in place by 1/1/2010 and after that point it would be a misdemeanor to have any non serialized handgun ammo in your possession. Also a tax of .0005 cents per round of marked ammo. Scary stuff but I'm betting it'll die a quick death. One of the worse things is that if they require you to turn in non-marked ammo to the police for destruction there is no provision for any kind of payment from the police. That's taking away a persons property without compensation or due process.
Got to love the way the world is going these days.

APN said...

Like I always say. What part of "The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" do they not understand?

APN said...

Cliff, why don't you take the lead? My Google Analytics program That I have installed on American Preppers Network is showing visitors from 16 different locations in georgia. I'm sure there are quite a few preppers in Georgia. The problem with the Prepper / Patriot / survivalist movement is everyone follows and not enough leaders. Email me at AmericanPrepper@yahoo.com so I can get you on board!

Thanks, Tom

Cliff said...

I'm afraid I'm more of a follower than a leader. I read a lot of the blogs and don't have the intestinal fortitude to keep at it for very long once I do start writing. I hope some of the other Georgia preppers show up and then maybe we can revisit the idea.

Cliff said...

I'm still checking in just to see if anyone else comes by. I was reading some of the other state blogs and there is quite a flurry of post about ammo registration and gun confiscation. I know the typical answer is that they'll have to pry my gun out of my cold dead hand and that sits on one level of my consciousness. On another level is that I am aware that the government is pretty much aware of what guns I've got with the exception of 20 or 30 that I got before registration or else bought without paperwork, and they can have the ones that are registered if it comes down to the choice of giving them up or going to prison or being shot. I can do nothing at all for my family in jail or dead and dying with a smile while taking a few with you is still dying. I guess, bottom line and bravado aside, that if I have to give them up I'll give them up. A gun is a tool and I have many tools in my arsenal. If the opportunity arises and I'm physically able to rearm then I'll call on some of those other tools. Just like they say a pistol is a weapon you use to fight your way back to your rifle, a crossbow, long bow, up close knife work or even a man trap are all things you can do to take the rifle away from your quarry. There are all sorts of files on the internet, and I would NEVER encourage anyone to find and download them, on making home made explosives and expedient arms, but again those are just tools in your survival tool kit.
If big government and military troops come to take my guns then I'll probably give them up (I'd be hard pressed to take the battle to a brother in arms after spending a large part of my life in the military), but it can be open season on rent a cops with .38s and area guards with shotguns, each one a step up as you fight your way inconspicuously to a place where you can take the battle to them.
Adapt, over come, bend with the wind, then kick ass when they least expect it.

Georgia Prepper sNetwork Est. Jan 17, 2009 All contributed articles owned and protected by their respective authors and protected by their copyright. Georgia Preppers Network is a trademark protected by American Preppers Network Inc. All rights reserved. No content or articles may be reproduced without explicit written permission.